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Fire Ant Bite Home Remedies
Best Fire Ant Bite ProductWe believe we have found the best, treatment for fire ant bites on the market! Used by the U.S. military. And it's non-toxic. Safe to use on children.
Stop the pain, now! Works on most other insect bites and stings, too - fleas, mosquitoes, wasps, bees, hornets, sand flies, chiggers, black flies, even jellyfish! 100% satisfaction guarantee. You'll want to have it on hand so it's available whenever you need it. See fireant bites.
The Fire Ant BiteUnlike many other ants, fire ants do not really bite, they sting. But then, neither do mosquitoes and we call those bites, too. The fire ant will bite with its pinchers, but that is only to get a tight grip on you. Then they sting you from their abdomen and inject a toxic alkaloid venom called solenopsin. One welt can be the result of ten stings. They hold on with their pinchers and turn a circle, stinging you all around it. This can result in a pea sized welt. They can then move to a different area and continue stinging you. About 40% of people in infested areas, or more than 20 million, are bitten each year by fire ants.
Fire Ant Bite Pictures
If You Just Got StungTry applying either the best fire ant bite remedy we have found, or one of the home remedies mentioned below. The fire ant toxins are 95 percent non-water soluble, so washing with water is only going to be marginally effective. Instead, we suggest vigorously massaging, but not scratching, the bite with anything that will neutralize the venom. You want to flush out as much of the toxins as possible. Scratching is the wrong thing to do. It brings blood to the area. Then the venom can spread to tissue that is not damaged, resulting in more pain. Next, elevate the extremity if possible.
Home Remedy for Treating Fire Ant Bites:There are numerous home remedies for fire ant bites. We list some here which our readers have shared with us for educational purposes only, with no guarantee that they will work. Please email us if you would like to share another home remedy or comment on ones you have tried Please Note: If you have an allergic reaction to fireant bites,
To Pop or Not to Pop the PustulesThere are two schools of thought about whether or not it is helpful to break open the pustules. One school says not to break them because it may invite infection. However, others say that the pustules must be broken open to release the toxins. Our readers have reported that popping open the pustules has helped. If you do open them, thoroughly wash the area first. After popping them, spray the area with peroxide. Let it dry before applying anything else. Here is what one reader had to say:
AftermathAvoid scratching the pustule, which can lead to infections. Severe allergic reactions to fire ants can be deadly. Seek medical attention immediately if you have any of these symptoms:
Treat any bites that become infected.
PreventionThe best way to avoid fire ant bites is to avoid fire ants. Unfortunately, that is not always possible. One idea we read suggested that you might try dusting your legs, shoes and socks, or tall rubber boots with talc or talcum powder. This simply makes it difficult for the fire ants to climb up on you, thereby making it impossible for them to sting you. Teflon coated shoes sound like the best answer, which actually is a darn good idea! Of course, it's even easier to prevent fire ant bites if there are no fire ants in the vicinity. For that, check out our page about killing fire ants.
More Fire Ant Bite InformationClick to read more about fire ant bites. How does a fire ant sting you? Why does the bite sting so much? How does your body react to a sting?
Wasp and Yellow Jacket Stings Home RemedyYes, we know this is a site about fire ants. But someone sent us this information and we thought we'd include it. Maybe you can use it for bee stings, too. We don't know. We have no idea if it will work. If it works for you, let us know.
From Al Barrs: For stings like wasp, keep a copper penny in your pocket. Press the penny over the sting sight and hold it. The copper will react with the acid the wasp injects into you and cause an electrolysis action much like a battery. That will neutralize the acid because the copper penny has much more ability to be effective than the acid the Wasp injects.
KURIT for Fire Ant Bites
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