World's Best Fire Ant Bite Treatment, Cure It with KURIT If more of us valued food and cheer and song above hoarded gold, it would be a merrier world. - J.R.R. Tolkien
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World's Best Fire Ant Bite Treatment, Cure It with KURIT


After years of looking, we finally found a fire ant bite treatment we can guarantee. (Return this product for a full refund, including shipping if you are unhappy with it for any reason.)

KURIT for Fireant Bites

This amazing compound neutralizes the painful toxins in fire ant bites almost immediately when massaged into the skin. It even works with most other bites and stings, such as:

Mosquito Bites Bee Stings Wasp Stings
Hornet Stings Yellow Jacket Stings Fleas
No-See-Ums Sand Flies (Sand Fleas) Black Flies
All Insect bites and stings
Even jellyfish stings!
Allergy Information: KURIT contains walnut shells and citrus.


KURIT Bug Bite and Sting Scrub

  • Permanently relieves the itch and pain of insect bites, without harsh chemicals, usually in one application
  • Has been proven to work
  • Works immediately
  • Prevents blistering
  • Odorless and easy to use
  • No ammonia, cortisone, menthol, Benzocaine or camphor.


Child Safe

This product does not contain any harsh chemicals and can be safely used on children. Consult your child's doctor for use on children under 2 years old.


Used by the Military

Approved and used by the U.S. Marines, Rangers, Navy Seals, among others.


Keep Several On Hand

Get one for the home, purse, kid's backpack, picnic basket, each car, etc.

We have had customers order up to six of these so they can have them handy any time they are needed. Have one ready wherever you are when you get bit.

Shipping is the same, no matter how many you order.


IMPORTANT NOTE: KURIT must be rubbed on for 1-2 minutes until the itching stops. The rubbing draws the toxins to the surface. Then leave it on for 15 minutes while the toxins are neutralized.
World's Best Fire Ant Bite Treatment, Cure It with KURIT
KURIT Bug Bite and Sting Scrub
1/2 ounce tube
$9.95 Each

Shipping/Handling for any quantity
QTY Price
1-4 $9.95 each
5-9 $9.75 each
10 $9.45 each
Call for higher quantities
Phone Orders
(800) 734-3588   (206) 458-7550

Visa, Mastercard, Discover, PayPal, Check or Money Order

How Does It Work?

  • Removes the top layer of dead skin by scrubbing
  • Opens the skin pores
  • Forces toxins to the surface through those same pores as circulation is increased from the scrubbing
  • Draws toxins from the open pores
  • Neutralizes dozens of toxins which cause trauma, pain and itching
  • Removes the impulse to scratch


How To Use

  • Treat Immediately or as soon as possible
  • If you cannot use immediately, you can use it later. It should still help, but the effect may be less.
  • Scrub the insect bite for 1-2 minutes (or until the itching or pain goes away)
  • Leave scrub on for 15 minutes then brush off or wash off, if desired
  • Reapply if necessary
  • May be used on your face, but avoid contact with eyes


Product Notes

  • Avoid contact with the eyes.
  • Contains walnut shells and citrus.
  • People with allergic reactions to bee or other stings should seek immediate medical attention.
  • Consult your doctor when used on spider bites.



Aloe vera gel, Walnut Shells, Bromelain, Plantago major extract, Calendula officinalis extract, Ocimum sanctum extract, Witch hazel, Phenoxyethanol, Carbomer, Triethanolamine, EDTA, Citric acid


Our Guarantee

Return this product for a full refund if you are unhappy with it for any reason.

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